Our History
2003 - 2004
Shortly after the 2003 launch of the Canadian Coalition for Global Health Research (CCGHR) (now Canadian Association for Global Health), the CCGHR organized its first summer institute in Halifax in 2004. This led to a series of eight similar events held globally, with an overarching theme of research to action. After a pause of several years, during which the institute was formally evaluated, a local collaborative version, the Ontario Coalition Institute (OCI) was tested.
From OCI to BCCI-3
2017 - 2021
Based on the success of the OCI, a provincial version, the British Columbia Coalition Institute (BCCI) was held in Kelowna in 2017, followed by BCCI-2 in Victoria in 2019, and a hybrid model (BCCI-3) in 2021.
Adding CoP component to BCCI
2022 - 2023
A key feature of the BCCI model was the addition of a Community of Practice (CoP) component. In July 2022, the BCCI leadership organized a 2-day workshop in Vancouver, an output of which was a 3-year strategic plan.
In response to our members’ feedback, our Leadership Team proposed a name change for our community at the end of 2023. Evolving into the Pacific-northwest Health Equity Network (PHEN), this name change reflects our dynamic nature. The "Coalition" as such became part of the Canadian Association for Global Health (CAGH), our events diversified beyond specific events, and our collaborators expanded beyond the borders of British Columbia.
Today, the PHEN community is comprised of a leadership team and hubs across the Pacific Northwest.