operationalizing equity in global health research
assesses integration of equity-centered principles and practices in funding policies for global health research.
funding policies
Funding policies are important sites for implementation of equity-centered principles and strategies because they set norms, directions, and priorities for research and serve as a primary incentive for researchers.
Recognizing massive shifts in the funding landscape after the 2008 economic recession, an equity-centred analysis of the Canadian funding landscape was conducted in 2015. The eventual publication called upon research funding agencies, researchers, and universities to take up specific recommendations that could enable more equity-centred approaches in global health research. In this project, we extend systematic equity action analysis to a broader landscape of global health research funding in Canada and among international comparators.
open GHR project
The Equity Science Lab hosts the OPerationalizing Equity iN Global Health Research (OPEN GHR) project. This project examines how actors working across Canada’s global health research (GHR) ecosystem understand and operationalize their commitments to equity and evaluates an intervention to promote evidence-informed equity practices.
This research project will test the effects of a training intervention specifically designed to move equity intentions into action. OPEN GHR involves three objectives:
to examine how equity is operationalized in Canada's GHR ecosystem;
to evaluate the capacity building impacts of an intervention for advancing equity in Canada's GHR ecosystem (KTEA course); and
to build consensus on standards for excellence in practicing equity.
The goal of this work is to generate new resources, tools, and knowledge needed to infuse Canada’s GHR ecosystem with the capacity and leadership needed to advance health equity.
related resources and publications
Plamondon, K., Walters, D., Campbell, S., & Hatfield, J. (2017). Promoting equitable global health research: a policy analysis of the Canadian funding landscape. Health Research Policy and Systems, 15, 1-14. (Open access)
Plamondon, K. M., Caxaj, C. S., Graham, I. D., & Bottorff, J. L. (2019). Connecting knowledge with action for health equity: a critical interpretive synthesis of promising practices. International journal for equity in health, 18, 1-10. (Open access)
Plamondon, K., & Bisung, E. (2019). The CCGHR Principles for Global Health Research: Centering equity in research, knowledge translation, and practice. Social Science & Medicine 239 112530 (Contact us for access)
Plamondon, K., & Neufeld, V. (2022). Are we there yet? Principles in advancing equity though global public health research. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 113(2), 178-183. (Contact us for access)
Dixon, J., Plamondon, K., Elliott, S., Graham, I., Nixon, S., Curty Pereira, R., ... & Nunbogu, A. (2023). Funding agencies’ complicity in advancing or impeding equity in and through global health research. European Journal of Public Health, 33(Supplement_2), ckad160-1107. (Open access conference proceeding).